Friday, March 29, 2013

Captive Sprits Video

Well, I thought this was going to be live. I am still learning. Anyway, the link should work.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Interview with Loren Kral

Interview with Loren Kral    

I am happy to post Loren Kral’s interview done by me in January 2013. I was busy at that time working on Captive Spirits and was hoping Loren could shed some light that would help me out of my writer’s block.

Loren is married to Peter Kral and they live together in the southern area of Region Romtha. 

I hope you enjoy the interview.

M.A.A.  Loren, in the story, Captive Spirits, you and Peter have been married for several years. Could you tell me a little about how you met?

L.K.  Yes, of course. There was an outbreak of a virulent illness in the land. Only the elderly and very young were in danger of death from this plague but none of the young or elderly that contracted this horrible illness had survived. Peter has a younger brother who contracted the illness so Peter and his father came in search of my mother, who was well known for her ability to fight dead and win.

M.A.A.  So you met Peter and your mother treated his younger brother. Did his brother survive?

L.K.  Oh yes, the little fellow is not so little now and has a family of his own. It wasn’t my mother who treated him, though. My mother was old and near her time. She sent me with Peter. I can tell you, it was hard leaving her knowing she would go before I could return. Loren pats at a tear. It is the way of things.

M.A.A. I understand you also have the gift of knowing. Did you know Peter was coming or that he was the one?

L.K.  Loren folds her tissue and smiles sweetly. No, actually I did not know. My mother knew. She had prayed long and hard that the one for me would arrive before she left. When she saw Peter she knew he was for me. She told me so. 

M. A.A.  Did your gift develop after that? Did you know Peter was going to bring home the King of Aztar?

L.K.  Yes, in answer to your first question. The gift has developed as I aged and grew in understanding. As to your second question, no. The gift is not so acute, even now, that I should all things. Sometimes it is clearer than others. Though the knowing has grown within me, I am better at healing than seeing.

M.A.A. I would say that is a good thing. Caring for the King must have been very stressful.

L.K.  Fighting death is always stressful. All life is precious to me. It matters not the patient’s station in life.

M.A.A.  Well, Loren, The King is now well and Peter will soon be home from his trip to visit the Queen. Has your gift of sight revealed to you anything concerning Lyon or the King’s ability to find the little Prince?

L.K.  No, my dear, I do not know.

M.A.A. Not even a hint?

L.K. No, not even a hint at this time. I can tell you though, there are many that strive to control all around them.  Our best defense against the evil that is about to strike is knowledge and free will.

M. A. A. Thank you, Loren, for sharing with my readers today. Maybe you will come back again?

L.K. Loren’s smile is knowing and somewhat sad. Only time will tell.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Captive Spirits

Captive Spirits is now available at Kindle. I am so excited about finally having it published! I made changes right up to the last minute. Hopefully anyone that buys a copy will enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.. This is my first attempt at Fantasy and I have to say it was a blast to write.

Here is the Prolog:                                


Evil Comes:
 Ryasi Volcum gripped the stone ledge of the North tower as his eyes scanned the edge of the forest. Something evil approached. He had tried to tell the others in the castle but they wouldn’t listen. No one would listen to a servant, especially a servant with the sight. 
He hit the stone with his fist. Is all of Aztar oblivious to the foul wind?
Because of his large size, his rank cast him as nothing more than a servant. After all, his size made him a good shield to hide the tiny Royal Family. The Museth were the smallest of all the races and the smartest. It was being smart that made them special, made them the guardians of the Books of Zmeria. And as guardians, they revealed to the people only as much as they believed necessary.
 Ryasi first admitted to having the sight a season ago. He warned the King an evil was coming, evil spoken of in the Zmeria. You would think a race so well known for its wisdom and cunning would have spared a moment to consider his words. But for his warning he was beaten and told to never speak of the sight again.
It is an abomination, the King proclaimed with each lash of the whip. 
There, Ryasi saw something. It was moving closer to the castle. The wide expanse of snow-covered ground between the castle and the forest appeared to shift.  
Ryasi Volcum knew the sight was no abomination. The castle was about to fall. He had to save the Zmeria. He hurried to the hidden doorway and entered. He rushed through the tiny passage that ran between the walls. Finally he reached the hidden chamber.  
The chill that grew from his inside outward held him almost immobile, but he struggled through it. There were so many scripts. He could not carry them all. He could barely read and so had no idea what he should take. Quickly, he decided to let the sight lead him and began to stuff as many as he could push inside his clothing.  
A pain of such magnitude slammed into his head that he dropped to his knees.  He knew he was not wounded. It was a warning from the sight. He had to leave this place. He had to leave now! 
He stumbled through the darkness caused by his pain. He felt a stone on the wall that moved under his touch. A faint scent of fresh air drifted toward him from the small opening that appeared before him. He didn’t hesitate to step in the tight space. Immediately the stone slid back into place.  
Warned by his sense, he knew the evil drew closer. He prayed he had properly shut and concealed the doorway to the Zmeria Chamber. Ryasi wanted to hide the scripts he held and return to do battle, but he knew he must escape with the writings. The writings would help his world heal and then prepare to battle the Evil that would come.
Ryasi knew deep inside his soul, what he did today would determine if his people would someday reclaim Aztar. He struggled with the battle that raged inside him.  
Drawing a deep breath, he called out to Father Creator, “Give me strength, Father. I will protect the scripts as best I can, but I can not leave others behind.” As he turned the stone once again opened. Had he passed the test? 
Hurrying from the chamber he made sure he sealed the entrance. The closest chamber was the servant’s quarters. He rushed forward to the cot of Ambrose Zantar, the head keep of the servant staff.
“Wake. You must hurry, it comes.”
Ambrose woke with a start, but it took only a moment for him to understand and roll from his cot. “I will warn as many as will listen, but how do we get out?”  
“Evil comes from the east. Go out the door leading to the garden. Past the herbs there is a small gate. Just beyond the gate there is an entranced to the caverns. Go in there and wait for others to come.”  
Ryasi reached inside his shirt and withdrew several scripts. “Here, take these.  I have more in my clothes.”
Ambrose looked at Ryasi like he was mad. “We have no time for this.” When Ryasi grabbed his arm, he insisted, “Let me go, Ryasi, I must warn the others.” 
Ryasi did not release his arm. Instead he shoved the scripts toward him. “Take them. They are part of the Zmeria.”
Ambrose snatched the scripts and stuffed them in his shirt as he hurried toward the servant’s quarters. 
Ryasi’s body shook violently and he knew time ran short. He ran to the King’s quarters and burst through the door.  
King Elgin Isri was dressed and preparing for battle. “I owe you an apology, Ryasi, but there is no time now. I see them out there, though I wonder how. I never knew there were beings in that forest that could hide themselves so well.”
He tossed a sword to Ryasi, “Take this and my family with you. I know you now.” He rolled his eyes upward, “Father, forgive me my arrogance.”
Ryasi heard a noise and twirled. Behind him stood the Queen. In her arms she held Prince Elgin.
The King gestured him to hurry. “Go now, save as many as you can. I and the Royal Guard will hold them back as long as we can.”
The Queen, being from Romtha, was only slightly larger than the King and was easy to snatch up, babe in arms. Ryasi carried them both from the room. As he ran down one corridor after the other, always headed downward and toward the kitchen, he called a warning. Everyone within earshot followed him without question.
The corridor became crowded as guards ran past to do battle with an evil force they were not prepared to face and could hardly see. The sounds of battle hurried them on, some to battle, some to escape.
Ryasi and the small band that remained burst into the garden. He hurried them all to the gate and led the way to the caverns. Once inside precious few waited. Among the survivors were a few of his own tall and very large race, mostly female. The others must have chosen to stand and fight so the females could escape.
He looked about the survivors to count the numbers and the supplies. Like his own race, few men numbered among the Queen’s homeland of Romtha. The same was true of the people from Iskaria.
Most disturbing was the very few left of the Museth, the King’s race. Though the King’s race was the smallest of all the people, they were the ones that could read the Zmeria records.  Protecting the records that detailed their beginning and taught them the Father Creator’s words became the bond that kept all the people together.
It was only right that a king and protector should be chosen from the people who could read and interpret the words. Now they were a people without a home. The Evil was planted firmly in this region. No one must be allowed back in and the evil must not be allowed escape.
The memory of the King’s words drifted through his mind.
 I know you now. Ryasi wondered about its meaning.
The sounds of battle raged outside and were easily heard from their hiding place. “We can not stay here. The men out there,” he pointed to the cavern mouth, “are dying to keep our people alive. We are no less men and no less courageous for taking survivors from this place.  Go, take them further into the cavern. I will follow shortly.”
One of the men from Romtha stepped forward and turned to the small, frightened crowd, “I am called Peter. We will travel through that cavern.” He pointed to one of many openings within the large cave. “I know the way through these caverns all the way to Romtha. If there is no one within each of your races that knows the way to their own homeland, do not worry. We will find the way together.” He then led the group forward.
Again the words entered his mind. I know you now.
“Wait,” everyone turned to look at Ryasi. “Our homelands are separated by great distance.” He pulled scripts from his shirt, “Here, Peter, in case I do not return, be sure a person form one house of each region has a script. They must be protected and everyone must be allowed to study them.”
Peter nodded as he took the scripts from Ryasi.
Ryasi turned and moved to the cavern entrance.  Just outside several of the Evil Ones stood and glared in at him. Shock filled his every fiber of being. They were so close, yet they did not enter.
In his head he heard... Come out to us, human.  He placed his hands to his ears. Did they speak to him?
He watch in disbelief as the bodies shifted and changed in color. Becoming agitated, they pointed toward the trees and the tree’s branches swayed and bent into grotesque shapes. Behind the Evil Ones, the castle remained in attack as the men ran out to meet the foe in battle.
As he watched in horror the carnage before him, he realized the Evil Ones had not entered the stone castle. They didn’t have to. Every man ran out to them. 
Come out. Fight like a warrior. It would be a dishonor to you as a warrior if we come in and drag you out.
“If you could enter here you would have already.”
The Evil Ones screeched in vexation.
Sickened by the sight and knowing what he must do, he turned his back on the Evil Ones as well as the sight and sounds of his own people being slaughtered.
Ryasi hurried to catch up with the others. They traveled deep enough into the cavern to no longer hear the battle.
“We need to stop here and rest.” Ryasi walked over and took the Prince from his mother’s arms. “Sit down, I’ll hand him back when you are ready. You need to rest now.”
The Queen obeyed as if no rational thought was left to her.  When she reached up for her son Ryasi handed him to her.
“We must put a ban on the Great Forest. The ban must include the castle and the land around it,” he spoke softly to the shattered group. “Everyone must be warned to stay out of this Region.”
The Queen looked up. “We must go back. There may be survivors.”
He knelt down in front of her. “There are no survivors, my Queen. You must take care of Prince Elgin now.” 
“What is to stop them from following us?” asked Ambrose Zantar.
Ryasi rubbed his large hand across the top of his head and tried to make sense of it in his own mind. “They would not enter the caverns and they did not enter the castle. I do not understand it.” Ryasi turned his gaze to Ambrose, “They can not or will not enter the stone walls.”
Ryasi cleared his throat to address the small band. He was about to commit himself to a promise he prayed he could fulfill. “My homeland is the closet to this place. My kind has always shielded the royal family. I vow I will raise a guard to enforce the ban on this place. No one must enter, and the Evil Ones must not escape.” 
The men exchanged low rumbles of mutterings as they gathered and sat about a small fire.
Ambrose was the first to speak up, “So, we must travel only through the caverns to our homelands?” He looked to Ryasi. “Do you think the Evil has already reached our homes?”

Cottonwood Springs

Jonathan Abernathy is a man tormented by pain and addiction to laudanum. He faces life with regret for all he has lost and finds no pleasure in his existence. That is, until on one fateful day when he takes a train rides home and finds himself in Cottonwood Springs. 


As the train slowed Jonathan noticed a sign slowly inch into view from his window.

The bright white sign had the words neatly and boldly printed in black, “Welcome to Cottonwood Springs”.

He turned and addressed Ben as the man entered the small compartment. “Why are we stopping here?”

“Oh, just a short delay. We have a problem with the engine. Wont take long to remedy, but there’s time if’n you’d like to get off here and stretch your legs. Several of tha other passengers have decided to go into Cottonwood Springs and have a bite of lunch. I know your knee pains you. Maybe a little walk about will help.”

“Is it lunch time already?”

“Yes, suh.”

“Very well, I am a bit hungry.” He patted his pocket before raising an arm for Ben’s support.

Ben helped him to the nearest exit. “You just wait right there for just a moment while I jump down and place tha steps for you.”

Jonathan watched as Ben placed the steps. “Don’t you have others that require your help, Ben? It seems to me that every time I turn around you’re right there.”

“Oh, yes suh. I help a lot of good folks, but I especially like helping you.”

Jonathan frowned, as he reached out to accept the man’s support. “I can’t see how that could be, Ben. I don’t recall saying anything nice to you in a very long time.”

Ben patted his arm, “Oh, that’s okay, suh. See, we’s friends. Have been for a long time. I knows your leg pains you, and your mind is all troubled. But ya know, friends are always there for each other. Good times as well as bad. You understand ‘bout bein’ there for tha people you care ‘bout. Just like you’re there for your parents.”

“A man would think you enjoy helping others.”

Ben laughed that rich warm laugh of his. “Yes, suh. I truly do.”

Jonathan turned at the sound of laughter. The pristine little town that sat before him amazed him. A few steps down the small rise from the tracks lay a wide red brick road. Across the road was an array of small shops, the windows of each displaying a sample of what could be found inside. Each storefront was clean and neat beyond description. Pedestrians walked slowly, stopping occasionally to peer through a sparkling glass display. The smells from the bakery floated on the breeze and his stomach growled. How long had it been sense he had felt true hunger? He patted his belly instead of his pocket and chuckled happily. It was a wonderful feeling.


He glanced over at a young woman standing at his side. She’s lovely, he thought. She wasn’t what one would call beautiful, not in the classical sense, but she possessed a warmth that reached right out to you. She tilted her head and her warm, honey colored eyes twinkled.

“Hello.” He answered, feeling a little awkward.

“There are several nice cafes in town,” she raised a basket she held on her arm. “But I just happen to have a picnic lunch all packed, and I always pack extra.” Wavy light-brown hair caressed her cheeks and rested upon her small shoulders.  “Would you like to join me?”

Jonathan glanced at the basket and then back to the beautifully warm eyes. “I thank you for the invitation.” Say more. It hasn’t been that long sense you’ve spoken to a beautiful woman.  A pesky fly landed on his nose and he swatted at it. Oh, God. She’s smiling. Smile back you fool! He felt his lips twitch nervously in the execution of such an unpracticed skill. On God! Oh God! She must think me an idiot.

“My name is Rebecca. What’s yours?”

“Jon--Jonathan.” Oh,God! He nearly groaned.

Cottonwood Springs is available in Amazon Kindle